Photos Taken By Kyle Boen
During the show's 8 year run, Bill Cosby wore a variety of multicolored Australian Coogi sweaters that fondly became known as the "Cosby Sweater."-The Cosby Theory.
Outfit Details:
Sweater: Thrifted
Belt: Francesca's Collections
Shorts: Thrifted
Flower Hair Accessory: Forever 21
Tights: Wal-Mart
Ballet Flats: Target
Lip Stick: MAC Neon Orange, my fav<3
Hi!* Happy Hump Day! The perfect day to bring out one of my many oversized Cosby~inspired sweaters. I believe life is much happier with a few of these beautiful eyesores tossed around in your closet..and oh so very comfy too!! And let's not forget about this yummy flower almost lost in my dark brown ringlets. I love wearing big flowers in my hair!! They make me feel like the girly girl I am and can add the right pazazz to any outfit. Like Big Sister, Like Little Sister. My sister always wears a flower in her hair..I mean everyday, I adore it!..and she kindly introduced me to them a while back :o)
Meet Britt, my sister and my best friend..see her cute flower<3
Love the cosby theory! haha